User's Guide

Table Of Contents
Front panel Display Rear panel IndexRemote
Explanation of terms
AirPlay sends (plays) contents recorded in iTunes or on an iPhone/iPod
touch/iPad to a compatible device via the network.
ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec)
This is a codec for lossless audio compression method developed by
Apple Inc. This codec can be played back on iTunes, iPod or iPhone. Data
compressed to approximately 60 – 70 % can be decompressed to exactly
the same original data.
App Store
App Store is a site that sells application software for such devices as the
iPhone or iPod Touch, and is operated by Apple Inc.
Audyssey Dynamic EQ®
Dynamic EQ solves the problem of deteriorating sound quality as volume
is decreased by taking into account human perception and room acoustics.
Audyssey Dynamic EQ® works in tandem with Audyssey MultEQ® XT to
provide well-balanced sound for every listener at any volume level.
Audyssey Dynamic Volume®
Dynamic Volume solves the problem of large variations in volume level
between television programs, commercials, and between the soft and
loud passages of movies. Audyssey Dynamic EQ® is integrated into
Dynamic Volume so that as the playback volume is adjusted automatically,
the perceived bass response, tonal balance, surround impression, and
dialog clarity remain the same.
Audyssey MultEQ® XT
MultEQ® XT is a room equalization solution that calibrates any audio
system so that it can achieve optimum performance for every listener in
a large listening area. Based on several room measurements, MultEQ®
XT calculates an equalization solution that corrects for both time and
frequency response problems in the listening area and also performs a
fully automated surround system setup.
DLNA and DLNA CERTIFIED are trademarks and/or service marks of
Digital Living Network Alliance.
Some contents may not be compatible with other DLNA CERTIFIED®
Dolby Digital
Dolby Digital is a multi-channel digital signal format developed by Dolby
A total of 5.1-channels are played: 3 front channels (“FL”, “FR” and “C”),
2 surround channels (“SL” and “SR”) and the “LFE” channel for low
frequency eects.
Because of this, there is no crosstalk between channels and a realistic
sound field with a “three-dimensional” feeling (sense of distance,
movement and positioning) is achieved. This delivers a thrilling surround
sound experience in the home.