Protocol Specs

4.2 Player Commands
4.2.1 Get Players
Command: heos://player/get_players
Attribute Description Enumeration
pid Player id N/A
gid pid of the Group leader N/A
network Network connection type wired
lineout LineOut level type 1 - variable
2 - Fixed
control Only valid when lintout level type is Fixed (2). 1 - None
2 - IR
3 - Trigger
4 - Network
Note: The group id field (gid) is optional. The 'gid' field will only be appeared if the player(s) is part of a group.
Note: control field is only populated when lineout level type is Fixed (lineout = 2)
"heos": {
"command": "player/get_players",
"result": "success",
"message": ""
"payload": [
"name": "'player name 1'",
"pid": "player id 1'",
"gid": "group id'",
"model": "'player model 1'",
"version": "'player verison 1'"
"network": "wired"
"lineout": "level type"
"control": "control option"
"name": "'player name 2'",
"pid": "player id 2'",
"gid": "group id'",
"model": "'player model 2'",
"version": "'player verison 2'"
"network": "wifi"
"lineout": "level type"
"control": "control option"
"name": "'player name N'",
"pid": "player id N'",
"gid": "group id'",
"model": "'player model N'",
"version": "'player verison N'"
"network": "wifi"
"lineout": "level type"
"control": "control option"