Protocol Specifications

"message": "sid='source_id'&cid='contaiiner_id'
Example: heos://browse/delete_playlist?sid=11&cid=234
4.4.16 Get HEOS History
Refer to Browse Sources and Browse Source Containers
4.4.17 Retrieve Album Metadata
Rhapsody and Napster services doesn't provide album art url while browsing for tracks. Controllers can use this command to retrieve
album art url while browsing for tracks.
Retrieve image url associated with a given album id. This command facilitates controllers to retrieve and update their UI with cover art, if
image_url in browse/search/get_queue/get_now_playing_media command response is blank.
Command: heos://browse/retrieve_metadata?sid=source_id&cid=album_id
Attribute Description Comment
sid Source id returned by 'get_music_sources' command; select HEOS source
to get HEOS playlists.
Currently supported media sources are
cid Container id returned by 'browse' command or 'get_now_playing_media'
Rhapsody/Napster album ids
Note: Supported music service is Rhapsody and Napster
"heos": {
"command": "browse/retrieve_metadata",
"result": "success",
"message": "sid=2&cid=album_id&returned=items_in_current_response&count=total_items_available"
"payload": [
"album_id": "album_id",
"images": [
"image_url": "URL to image file",
"width": current image width
"image_url": " ",URL to image file
"width": current image width
Example: heos://browse/retrieve_metadata?sid=2&cid=Alb.184664171
4.4.18 Get Service Options for now playing screen - OBSOLETE
Obsolete - Now get_now_playing_media command will include supported option for currently playing media.
Command: heos://browse/get_service_options?sid=source_id