User Guide

Q042 : 78Q2120C09A-64GCT
ANEGA 47 56 I AUTO-NEGOTIATION ABILITY: Strapped to logic high to allow auto-
negotiation function. When strapped to logic low, auto-negotiation
logic is disabled and manual technology selection is done through
TECH[2:0]. This pin is reflected as ANEGA bit (MR1.3).
TECH[2:0] 44-46 53-55 I
TECHNOLOGY ABILITY/SELECT: TECH[2:0] sets the technology ability of the
chip which is reflected in MR0.13,8 MR1.14:11 and MR4.12:5.
TECH[2:0] Technology ability
000 Advertise no technology capability; however,
parallel detect from the link partner will
establish the link speed.
111 Both 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX,
Both half and full duplex
001 10BASE-T, half duplex
010 100BASE-TX, half duplex
011 Both 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX,half duplex
100 None
101 10BASE-T Both half and full duplex
110 100BASE-TX Both half and full duplex
RPTR 50 61 I REPEATER MODE: When pulled high, this pin puts the chip into repeater
mode. In this mode, full duplex is prohibited, CRS responds to receive
activity only and, in 10BASE-T mode, the SQE test function is disabled. This
mode can also be entered with MR16.15.
61, 62 77,78 A TRANSMIT OUTPUT POSITIVE/NEGATIVE: Transmitter outputs for
both 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX.
52, 51 64,63 A RECEIVE INPUT POSITIVE/NEGATIVE: Receiver inputs for both
10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX.
The LED pins use standard logic drivers. They output a logic low when the LED is meant to be on and a logic high when it is
meant to be off. The LED should be connected in series with a resistor between the output pin and the power supply.
LEDL 40 48 O LED LINK: ON for link up.
LEDTX 39 47 O LED TRANSMIT: ON when there is a transmission (normally OFF).
LEDRX 38 46 O LED RECEIVE: ON when there is a reception (normally OFF).
LEDCOL 37 45 O LED COLLISION: In half duplex mode, this is a collision indicator and turns-
ON when a collision occurs. In full duplex mode, this LED is held OFF.
LEDBTX 36 44 O LED 100BASE-TX: ON for 100BASE-TX connection and OFF for
other connections. LEDBTX is OFF during auto-negotiation.
LEDBT 48 57 O LED 10BASE-T: ON for 10BASE-T connection and OFF for other
connections. LEDBT is OFF during auto-negotiation.
LEDFDX 49 58 O LED FULL DUPLEX: ON when in full duplex mode and OFF when in
half duplex mode.