Technical Description

3. Outline of Smart Key FOB
Smart Key FOB is mainly used for locking or unlocking the doors of the vehicles.
Smart Key FOB detects signals when it reaches the vicinity of vehicle, and sends
signals using radio frequency.
Also, Smart Key FOB sends a radio wave signal while a button is pushed. When the
button is released, the radio wave signal is automatically off within 0.196 seconds.
When the button is depressed continuously, Smart Key FOB sends a signal for a
predetermined constant time.
This product sends a signal when the following buttons are pushed.
Transmitter IC
Subject for application
Smart Key FOB
Control IC
LF Transmitter
433.92 MHz
125 kHz
Smart Key ECU
Trunk button
for opening the trunk
or back door.
Unlock button
for unlocking the doors
Lock button
for locking the doors.
Charging door button
for opening the
charging battery cap
Panic button
for Panic Alarm
Remote Start button
for vehicle start