User Manual

Handling Notes
An early upload of gathered data is recommended, since the data stored
in the RAM might be affected by the so-called “soft error” or other envi-
ronmental phenomena. In some cases, the “Contact your administrator.”
will appear on the LCD.
Do not use the BHT near a personal or amateur radio device. Doing so
may cause the BHT to malfunction.
Avoid storing the rechargeable battery cartridge in a hot place. The bat-
tery capacity may be decreased.
•Do not touch the charge terminals of the battery cartridge by hand or stain
those terminals. Doing so could result in a charging failure.
Use a dedicated rechargeable battery cartridge for the BHT. Do not use a
dry battery cartridge.
When connecting or disconnecting the direct-connect interface cable to/
from the BHT, do no plug or unplug at an angle and do not pull the cable
strongly. Doing so will result in a machine failure.
Do not use the BHT near a magnet or device that generates strong mag-
netic field. Doing so will deflect the optical axis of the laser beam, result-
ing in a reading failure or machine trouble.
If the BHT has been stored in a hot (50˚C to 60˚C, 122˚F to 140˚F) and hu-
mid place, allow it to sit at room temperature and humidity for at least one
day before use. Using the BHT with its inside being hot will fail to scan or
result in a machine failure.