User`s manual

Barcode Handy Terminal
5.6.2 Connecting with ActiveSync
IrDA Communication
Arrange the BHT and host computer with their IrDA interface ports facing one another as shown below.
Refer to “Chapter 4 System Operation” – “4.4.2 Communication Menu” for details of how to run
ActiveSync at the BHT.
Connector Communication
Connect the host computer USB interface port to the BHT connector interface port with a CU-733.
Refer to “Chapter 4 System Operation” – “4.4.2 Communication Menu” for details of how to run
ActiveSync at the BHT.
Wireless Communication
When running ActiveSync using wireless communication, it is first necessary to establish a partnership
between the BHT and host computer.
If no partnership exists, set up the partnership with the host computer by following the instructions given
on the next page.
If a partnership exists, an ActiveSync connection using wireless communication can be established by
following the instructions given in “Chapter 4 System Operation” – “4.4.2 Communication Menu”.
Point Depending on the computer name of the host computer, it may not be possible to
run ActiveSync using wireless communication (e.g., when the computer name
begins with a numerical character.)
It is recommended that the name of the host computer be made up entirely o
alphabet characters (A to Z, a to z.)
IrDA communication
Host computer
USB cable
Host computer