
Set Black Stretch
1. Press P+ / P- button to select the " BLACK STRETCH "
2. Press V+ / V- button to make the black stretch ON or OFF .
* This function is used just to improve the effect of the picture
Set Auto Volume Limit
1. Press P+ / P- button to select the " AVL "
2. Press V+ / V- button to make the blue background ON or OFF .
* When " AVL " is ON , the output power of the loudspeaker can
remain constant , if the volume is too large to distort ion .
Enter Teletext Mode
In TV mode, press the TXT button to enter the teletext mode directly .
* Press the TXT button twice to exit the teletext mode.
* After entering the teletext mode, the screen will display the first page of the teletext ;if there is no teletext signal ,
the screen will display the blank page as show below:
Browse Pages
After entering the teletext mode , using the following methods to browse all of the pages :
1. Press the NUMERIC button , enter any of the pages .
2. Press the P+/P- button , browse the pages one by one .
3. Enter the corresponding pages by pressing the four coloured button on the remote controller corresponding to the four
colour page numbers at the lower of the screen .
4. During browsing , press the TUNE button to go back to the index page .
5. During browsing , press the SIZE button to enlarge the teletext pages .
6. Press the E/W button , switch between the Eastern and Western European display language .
7. Press the HOLD button to browse the current page for a long time .
Function Button Operation
In teletext mode ,there are some special function button .
1. Press the MIX button , mix the teletext page with current TV program , i.e. f or semitransparent for teletext display.
2. Press the REVEAL button display the current TV program in teletext mode . At this time ,although the TV is displayed , no TV
operation is possible , Press this button twice to resume to the normal teletext display .
3. Press the CANCEL button , exit the teletext display mode , and shift the teletext page to background operation .
4. If the teletext signal has sub-code information , press the SUBC button to enter the sub-code pages.
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