Installation guide

In the figure above are the smoothed measurements corresponding to the windowed
measurement. The truncation of the anechoic impulse-response necessarily causes smoothing of
the windowed response. This smoothing increases at lower frequencies.
The shorter the duration of the truncated signal, the greater the smoothing generated. This
smoothing causes the correction at lower frequencies to be less accurate than if there were no
truncation. Consequently it is important to maximize the time between the speaker’s own signal
and the time of the first reflection.
If your configuration is bi-amp or tri-amp, there will be a Crossovers tab available.
In this tab you can adjust the frequency and slope of the digital crossover between the different
drivers. In the figure below is the crossover screen corresponding to the smoothed
measurements in the figure above and the crossover selected in the Calibration Wizard.
The frequency can be adjusted by clicking and dragging the marker that appears at the
intersection of the crossovers. Clicking and dragging either can adjust the slope of the markers
that appear at the bottom of the crossovers.