Installation guide

The second window gives you the option of creating a new configuration or loading an existing
one. Select the 'Create a new DEQX configuration' button (if it is not already selected) and click
In the third dialog window of the wizard, enter a name for the configuration, and choose the type
of configuration (or mode) that best matches your speaker set up and the method you used to
measure the speakers.
For example, if you have a pair of two-way speakers that you measured with a bi-amp
configuration, choose Bi-amp with stereo subwoofers or Bi-amp with mono subwoofer (It doesn’t
matter that you don’t have subwoofers - there will be no signal sent to the ‘subwoofer’ output
channel(s) (L1 and R1) unless you configure the DEQX to do so). Click Create to create the