Installation guide

Within each configuration folder is a PDC Profiles folder. Within that folder are the four profiles for
that configuration Bypass, Profile 1, Profile 2 and Profile 3. These profiles can be renamed by
right-clicking on the filter name and choosing Rename. This has been done in the figure above.
Note: most items which appear in the Project Explorer can be renamed with this method.
Renaming items is useful for finding them more easily in the future.
To find measurements and corrections easily in DEQX project files a convention for naming has
been adopted. The naming convention uses a syntax similar to web based URL, where each
entity for locating a resource is separated by a forward slash ‘/’.
Names in DEQX consist of one or more tags separated by the ‘/’ character.
Tag 1/Tag 2
Speakers are named:
Manufacturer / Model / Serial Number
Example: ACME Audio / Model-XYZ / SN0001
Speaker Measurements are named:
User Name Tag (Text version of measurement procedure) example: Measurement done Today
(on axis at 4ft, 01-Jan-03)
Speaker Corrections are named:
Manufacturer / Model / Serial Number / User Name Tag example: ACME Audio / Model-XYZ /
SN0001 / Correction 1