Use Instructions

Your journey to beauful, beer–looking skin.
NIRA’s revoluonary new technology holds 6 patents, is FDA cleared, and clinically proven to deliver dramac lasng results in as lile as 2
minutes a day, at home, without pain, redness, skin damage or downme.
As we age our bodies naturally stop producing collagen that causes wrinkles and sagging of the skin. The NIRA Skincare Laser reverses the im-
pact of aging by warming the deeper layers of your skin, acvang the skin to produce collagen like it did decades ago to give you the healthy,
beauful and youthful looking skin that you deserve.
The NIRA Skincare Laser provides lasng results* to reverse the signs of aging in as lile as 8 to 12 weeks using advanced dermatologist-tested
Before using your device for the rst me, it is important to read the instrucons and safety informaon in this booklet to ensure proper use
and to achieve your best results. We recommend saving these instrucons for future reference.
*based on clinical results with 3-months post-treatment observaons
Watch the NIRA Instructional Video at: