User's Manual

E. GPS Function Overview: Signal and Data Network Part 2
Data from the Transceiver to the Watch
! The online GPS data send from the Transceiver to
the Watch which as follows:
1) The latitude and the longitude,
2) The altitude and heading compass value,
3) Th e cur ren t tra ve l sp eed, a verag e tra vel
speed and maximum travel speed,
4) The travel distance, and
5) The ID of the Transceiver.
How to start receiving the Data (Enable the GPS
Function on the Watch)
! Hold down the ' ' or ' ' button (of the Watch)
in any mode to receive the above data from the
Transceiver. Note: (1) Put the Watch in the place
within 5 metes from the Transceiver, otherwise the
Wa t c h C A N NOT r e c eive th e d a ta fr o m t h e
Transceiver, (2) Make sure that the GPS Function
on the Transceiver was enabled, and it has
determined the position (satellite icon hold).
! If the 'RF LOSS' message appears on the display
of th e Wa t c h , i t m a y c a u s e b y e i t h e r t h e
Transceiver GPS Function is disabled or the
watch's battery level is low. Enable the GPS
function on the Transceiver or replace the watch's
battery, then try the above steps again.
E- 03
Global NAV
Global NAV
GPS Data
I f t h e ' R F L O S S '
appears on the Watch,
e n a b l e t h e G P S
f u n c t i o n o n t h e
Transceiver or replace
the watch battery, then
try again.
On-line GPS Data
1) Latitude and Longitude
2) A l t i t u d e a n d H e a d i n g
Compass Direction
3) C u r r e n t , A v e r a g e a n d
Maximum Travel Speed
4) Travel Distance, and
5) ID of the Transceiver