Installation Instructions

UTM-00233 | Rev 3
Page 9 of 20 DetNet South Africa Copyright © 2019
The RF repeater is a communication device designed to amplify or regenerate data signals in order to transfer
RF communication signals between the Bench Box and Base Station.
The RF Repeater function is to receive a signal from a Base Station or Bench Box which has weakened
as a result of being propagated over a long distance or other electromagnetic interference.
The RF repeater is a bidirectional amplifier which, when located between two antennas, relays signals
in remote locations, or in order to bypass obstructed paths.
Once the RF Repeater receives this signal, it amplifies the signal before transmitting it on a different
channel, effectively increasing the distance over which RF communication between the Base Station
and Bench Box can take place.
RF Repeater must be in Line-of-Sight of both Bench Box(es) and Base Station.
Figure 1: Line of sight clarification
Line of sight to Base Station
established via RF Repeater
NO line of sight to
Base Station