
UTM-00232 | Rev 9
DetNet South Africa Copyright © 2018
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Connect up to four different benches with individual timing.
All Bench Boxes will receive fire commands separately and fire one after another, in order of their
assigned ID, Bench Box 1 before Bench Box 2 etc.
Should one Bench Box fail before the blast is initiated, the problematic Bench Box will return to are-
arming state. All other Bench Boxes will continue to blast. After the blast, the problematic Bench
Box can be reset before reattempting to blast.
Note that unsynchronised blasting should only be attempted if the benches are completely
separate, since the detonators connected to each Bench Box receive the fire command at
different times. A lead-in harness cut-off before the fire command is sent will result in the
bench misfiring!