System Description

UTM-00355 | Rev 2
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Decking Allocation
This option enables the user to perform multiple deck blasting where more than one detonator is allocated per hole.
In a blast plan a hole can be set up for decking up to a maximum of 15 DigiShot
detonators per hole. Decking
allocation refers to the position of a DigiShot
detonator inside a hole.
When more than one detonator is placed into a hole, two tagging modes are available:
Load per hole, and
Load per deck.
Ensure the DigiShot
detonator deck positions are clearly marked on the detonator label to
avoid wrong position tagging.
Decked DigiShot
detonators also need to be clearly marked on the blast plan to ensure
their locations are correctly assigned.
Refer to the Advanced Setup section in this manual where the Hole Load Mode is detailed.
The DigiShot
Tagger allocates a unique tag to each detonator. When more than one detonator is allocated per hole
(Decking), the user has the following options (hole load mode as selected in advanced setup):
1. Load per hole - Tag all the detonators decked in a hole before moving over to the next hole
Load per deck - Tag only one detonator per hole (one deck at a time) until all holes have been completed (the first
deck) thereafter, return to the first hole to tag the second detonator (deck) etc.
Free Face
LEFT side
RIGHT side