
Faults Fault table
52 © 2008
Engine output is deficient Lube oil level too high Check lube oil level, if necessary drain off.
Lubricating oil level too low Fill up lube oil
Lubricating oil cooler fins soiled Clean
Engine stop lever still in stop position Stop magnet defective (release circuit)
Fuel suction temperature too high Check the system
Fuel quality does not comply with operating manual Change the fuel
Air filter clogged / turbocharger defective Check/replace
Air filter maintenance switch / maintenance indicator defective Check/replace
Fan defective/V-rib belt torn or loose Check fan/V-belt, change if necessary
Charge air line leaking Check charge air line
Charge air cooler soiled Clean
Heat short-circuit in the cooling air guidance Check the cooling system
Resistance in cooling system is too high / flow volume too low Check the cooling system
Injection line leaks Check injection line
Injection valve defective Check fuel injector
Engine stop lever still in stop position Check/replace
Engine does not run on all cylinders Injection line leaks Check injection line
Injection valve defective Check fuel injector / change if necessary
Incorrect valve clearance Settings
Compression pressure too low Check the system
Fuel filter/fuel pre-cleaner contaminated (lamp/siren faulty) Empty/clean/change
Air in fuel system Vent fuel system
Faults Causes Measures
OBJ_DOKU-16314-001.fm Seite 52 Donnerstag, 24. Juli 2008 11:18 11