Technical information

SRF04 - Ultra-Sonic Ranger
Technical Specification
This project started after I looked at the Polaroid Ultrasonic Ranging module. It has a
number of disadvantages for use in small robots etc.
1. The maximum range of 10.7 metre is far more than is normally required, and as a
2. The current consumption, at 2.5 Amps during the sonic burst is truly horrendous.
3. The 150mA quiescent current is also far too high.
4. The minimum range of 26cm is useless. 1-2cm is more like it.
5. The module is quite large to fit into small systems, and
The SRF04 was designed to be just as easy to use as the Polaroid sonar, requiring a short
trigger pulse and providing an echo pulse. Your controller only has to time the length of
this pulse to find the range. The connections to the SRF04 are shown below:

Summary of content (6 pages)