User's Instructions

1. Instructions for attaching probe to holster (ST).
2. Instructions for attaching probe to holster (U/S).
3. Instructions for attaching probe to holster (EX).
NOTE: Do not attempt to attach the probe to the holster when the holster is still docked.
This is a standby state, confirming to the user which devices are detected (attached). If an alternate
input device is attached (such as a remote footswitch or remote keypad) it appears at the base
(bottom) of the screen.
NOTE: All applicable input devices should be connected to the control module before loading the
probe onto the holster. Ensure all connections are secure before loading the probe.
Only the Mammotome revolve probes with the letters “ST” in the product code should be
used with the Mammotome revolve ST Holster.
Only the Mammotome revolve probes with the letters “US” in the product code should be
used with the Mammotome revolve U/S Holster.
Only the Mammotome revolve probes with the letter “EX” in the product code should be
used with the Mammotome revolve EX Holster.
NOTE: Ensure a new, sterile probe is used to begin each procedure.
The control module can be either in the on or off state when loading or removing a probe from the
holster. If the control module is on, the touchscreen interface graphics confirm the probe is detected
as attached to the holster and provide a prompt to proceed to initialization. (See Chapter 8: Software
Description for software screen descriptions.)
To load the probe, please follow the instructions below:
a. Before opening the probe packaging, inspect for the following items:
o The label for the expiration date; do not use the device if the expiration date has passed.
o The label to ensure the selected probe matches the holster and system to be used.
WARNING: Inspect the package and device to verify that each was not damaged during shipment.
Do not use the device if the device or package appear compromised.
NOTE: Take special care to avoid dropping the probe packaging and possibly damaging the probe
while transporting from storage.
b. To open the sterile package, firmly grasp the plastic or rigid portion of the packaging. Where the
arrows are placed, pull in the direction the arrow is pointing.
o For ST and US Probe sterile packaging, remove the internal rigid plastic to access the ST or US
o For EX Probe sterile packaging, unfold the internal folder to access the EX probe (and the sleeve,
if included).
c. Using sterile technique, remove the probe from the package. To avoid damage, do not flip the probe
into the sterile field.
NOTE: Do not use the probe sleeve when the package/sterility of the sleeve is compromised.
NOTE: The probe is packaged with a protective sleeve (tip protector) over the trocar shaft. It is
recommended that the protective sleeve remain on the trocar shaft until the user is ready to
perform the tissue sampling procedure. Take care to avoid injury when removing the
protective sleeve.
NOTE: Before use, remove and discard any retainers that secure the probe or tubing.