Installation Instructions

| US |
PLC button
PLC LED The devolo Magic WiFi adapter ... LED behavior
Time button is
Action LED behavior
Solid white
Fast ashing white
Solid white followed by short
ashing red
Solid red
Slow ashing white
Alternating white and red
1 second
> 10 seconds
Start pairing with other devolo Magic adapters
(on WiFi adapters: start CongSync)
... is working perfectly. It is connected to other devolo
Magic adapters.
... is currently establishing a pairing connection with
another adapter.
... has a poor Powerline connection.
... is currently in the start-up process.
... cannot see any other devolo Magic adapters.
... no longer has any LED function since it was disabled by
the user.
... is not connected to the network*
... is in standby mode.
... is currently undergoing a software update.
Reset devolo adapter to factory settings
Flashing white
Solid red
Flashing red
WiFi button
WiFi LED The devolo Magic WiFi adapter ... LED behavior
Time button is
... has a error-free connection to the Internet.
LED behavior
Solid white
Flashing white
1 second
> 3 seconds
WPS function is being carried out
... is attempting to establish a connection via WPS.
... no longer has any LED function since it was disabled by
the user.
* Go to page 33 for instruction on pairing manually.
Wi-Fi is being switched o
Flashing white
LED turns o