Technical data

dLAN network 49
devolo dLAN TV SAT Receiver Kit
5dLAN network
Before you can use a dLAN device in your dLAN net-
work, first you have to connect it to other dLAN devices
as a home network. Two specific pieces of information
are especially important for this:
Shared use of a dLAN password results in a delim-
ited dLAN network.
Shared use of the dLAN password serves as access
control to the dLAN network as well as the
encryption, and thereby the interception protec-
tion, of the transmitted data.
The dLAN password can be set automatically using the
encryption button (see 5.1 dLAN network en-
cryption at the touch of a button) or manually us-
ing the dLAN Cockpit program (see 5.2
dLAN Cockpit).
5.1 dLAN network encryption at
the touch of a button
To encrypt a dLAN network, in which all associated de-
vices are equipped with an encryption button, simply
press the encryption button located on the device.
Pressing this button will encrypt your dLAN network
with a randomly generated password.
The following section contains exact instructions on
the basis of possible network scenarios:
Adapters cannot be configured while
in Standby mode.