Instruction manual

Code Possible Cause Possible Solution
2. Lubricant too tow. Drain existin( lubricant and refill with DEWALT
8. Compressor pump check valve is loose, broken, Inspect valve. Clean or replace as required.
10 Piston rings damaged or worn Install new rings.
(broken, rough, or scratched). Excessive end gap or
side clearance. Piston rings not seated, stuck
12 Worn connectinc Re )lace as rec uired..
Install more effective filtration or relocate the com _ressor.
16 Worn ,tinder finish.
18 Pressure switch is in OFF
tinder with 180 (rit flex-hone
Move switch to ON/AUTO
Fuse blown or circuit has tripped. Replace fuse or reset circuit breaker. Check for proper fuse. Use only
"Fusetron" type T fuses. Check for tow voltage conditions. Disconnect
any other electrical appliances from circuit or operate the compressor
on its own branch circuit.