Use and Care Manual

Chain Saw Powerhead ‑ A chain saw without the saw
chain and guidebar.
Drive Sprocket or Sprocket ‑ The toothed part that drives
the sawchain.
Felling ‑
The process of cutting down atree.
Felling Back Cut ‑
The final cut in a tree felling operation
made on the opposite side of the tree from the notchingcut.
Front Handle ‑ The support handle located at or toward
the front of the chainsaw.
Front Hand Guard ‑ A structural barrier between the front
handle of a chain saw and the guide bar, typically located
close to the hand position on the fronthandle.
Guide Bar ‑ A solid railed structure that supports and
guides the sawchain.
Scabbard/Guide Bar Cover ‑ Enclosure fitted over guide
bar to help prevent tooth contact when saw is not inuse.
Kickback ‑ The backward or upward motion, or both of the
guide bar occurring when the saw chain near the nose of
the top area of the guide bar contacts any object such as a
log or branch, or when the wood closes in and pinches the
saw chain in thecut.
Kickback, Pinch ‑
The rapid pushback of the saw which
can occur when the wood closes in and pinches the moving
saw chain in the cut along the top of the guidebar.
Kickback, Rotational ‑ The rapid upward and backward
motion of the saw which can occur when the moving saw
chain near the upper portion of the tip of the guide bar
contacts an object, such as a log orbranch.
Limbing ‑ Removing the branches from a fallentree.
Low‑Kickback Chain ‑ A chain that complies with the
kickback performance requirements of ANSI B175.1–2012
(when tested on a representative sample of chain saws.)
Normal Cutting Position ‑ Those positions assumed in
performing the bucking and fellingcuts.
Notching Undercut ‑ A notch cut in a tree that directs the
Rear Handle ‑ The support handle located at or toward
the rear of thesaw.
Reduced Kickback Guide Bar ‑ A guide bar which has
been demonstrated to reduce kickbacksignificantly.
Replacement Saw Chain ‑ A chain that complies with
kickback performance requirements of ANSI B175.1–2012
when tested with specific chain saws. It may not meet
the ANSI performance requirements when used with
Saw Chain ‑ A loop of chain having cutting teeth, that cut
the wood,and that is driven by the motor and is supported
by the guidebar.
Ribbed Bumper ‑ The ribs used when felling or bucking to
pivot the saw and maintain position whilesawing.
Switch ‑ A device that when operated will complete or
interrupt an electrical power circuit to the motor of the
Switch Linkage ‑ The mechanism that transmits motion
from a trigger to theswitch.
Chain Saw Names and Terms
Bucking ‑ The process of cross cutting a felled tree or log
Motor Brake (if equipped) ‑ A device used to stop the saw
chain when the trigger isreleased.
13 . Use extreme caution when re‑entering a previous cut.
Engage bucking spikes into wood and allow chain to reach
full speed before proceeding withcut.
14 . Do not attempt plunge cuts or borecuts.
15 . Watch for shifting logs or other forces that could
close a cut and pinch or fall intochain.
Kickback Safety Features
WARNING: The following features are included
on your saw to help reduce the hazard of kickback;
however such features will not totally eliminate this
dangerous reaction. As a chain saw user do not rely
only on safety devices. You must follow all safety
precautions, instructions, and maintenance in this
manual to help avoid kickback and other forces which
can result in seriousinjury.
Reduced‑Kickback Guide Bar, designed with a small radius
tip which reduces the size of the kickback danger zone on
bar tip. A reduced ‑ kickback guide bar is one which has
been demonstrated to significantly reduce the number and
seriousness of kickbacks when tested in accordance with
safety requirements for electric chainsaws.
Low‑Kickback Chain, designed with a contoured depth
gauge and guard link which deflect kickback force and
allow wood to gradually ride into the cutter. A low‑kickback
chain is a chain which has met kickback performance
requirements of ANSI B175.1–2012.
Do not operate chain saw while in a tree, on a ladder, on a
scaffold, or from any unstablesurface.
Hold tool by insulated gripping surfaces when performing
an operation where the cutting tool may contact hidden
wiring. Contact with a “live” wire will make exposed metal
parts of the tool “live” and shock theoperator.
Do not attempt operations beyond your capacity or
experience. Read thoroughly and understand completely all
instructions in thismanual.
Before you start chain saw, make sure saw chain is not
contacting anyobject.
Do not operate a chain saw with one hand! Serious injury
to the operator, helpers, or bystanders may result from one
handed operation. A chain saw is intended for two‑handed
Keep the handles dry, clean, and free of oil orgrease.
Do not allow dirt, debris, or sawdust to build up on the
motor or outside airvents.
Stop the chain saw before setting itdown.
Do not cut vines and/or small underbrush.
Use extreme caution when cutting small size brush and
saplings because slender material may catch the saw chain
and be whipped toward you or pull you offbalance.