Use and Care Manual

Cable Removal from the Drain Snake and
Cable Drum Installation
WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury, wear safety
goggles or glasses with side shields. Always wear
leather gloves with latex gloves inside. The cable is
under stress and can unwind unexpectedly. Cable end
feature may besharp.
Remove the cable for cleaning after eachuse.
To remove the cable:
1. Remove the battery pack from the tool.
2. Pull the front handle
out away from the tool to the
unlocked position.
3. With the tool supported vertically, remove the four
screws from the drum cover
WARNING: The cable is under stress and can uncoil
unexpectedly. Keep pressure on the drum cover so it
does notuncoil.
4. Carefully lift the drum cover up, reach underneath to
hold the cable firmly while pulling off the drum cover
and front handle
to expose the inner drum
5. Remove the cable from the drum cover and front
handle and tuck it into the inner drum. Set the drum
6. Carefully remove the inner drum with cable from
thedrain snake.
7. When cleaning the cable, carefully uncoil the cable from
the inner drum. Refer to Cleaning under Maintenance.
To install the cable:
1. Remove the battery pack from the tool.
2. Pull the front handle
out away from the tool to the
unlocked position.
3. Remove the four screws from the drum cover
4. Fully wind the clean, dry cable into the inner drum
following the cable direction symbol
(Fig. A).
WARNING: Winding the cable in the wrong direction
could cause the tool to apply excessive torque causing
the cable to kink during bind up.
WARNING: Never install a new cable by threading
it through the front handle on the tool. Always
disassemble the drum cover so you can be sure the
cable is wound in the proper direction.
5. Place the inner drum with cable back into thetool.
6. Carefully pull the cable bulb end
out of the inner
drum and feed it through the front handle.
WARNING: The cable is under stress and can unwind
unexpectedly. Keep pressure on the cable so it does
7. Place the drum cover and front handle over the inner
drum and reinstall the four screws. Tightensecurely.
NOTE: If the unit is unbalanced and/or vibrates
unnecessarily, the cable may be wound poorly.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of serious personal
injury, turn unit off and remove the battery pack
before making any adjustments or removing/
installing attachments or accessories. An
accidental start-up can causeinjury.
WARNING: Always wear eye and other protective
equipment appropriate to thetask.
WARNING: Always wear leather work gloves with
latex glovesinside.
WARNING: Do not operate if more than 6" (15 cm) of
cable is outside of pipe ordrum.
WARNING: The cable can whip ortangle.
WARNING: Do not hold cable while it isturning.
WARNING: Cable end feature may besharp.
Installing and Removing the Battery Pack
(Fig. D)
NOTE: For best results, make sure your battery pack is
To install the battery pack
into the tool handle, align the
battery pack with the rails inside the tool’s handle and slide
it into the handle until the battery pack is firmly seated in
the tool and ensure that it does notdisengage.
To remove the battery pack from the tool, press the release
and firmly pull the battery pack out of the tool
handle. Insert it into the charger as described in the charger
section of thismanual.
Fig. D
Proper Hand Position (Fig. E)
WARNING: To reduce the risk of serious personal injury,
ALWAYS use proper hand position as shown.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of serious personal
injury, ALWAYS hold securely in anticipation of a
Proper hand position requires one hand on the main
and one hand on the front handle grip