Product Overview

©2021 ELCO – REV. A
Design (LRFD) Shear (Bearing) Capacity of Screw Connections in Steel, lbf
Diameter Head Styles
Steel Thickness (Lapped Sheets/ Bars)
18-18 Ga. 16-16 Ga. 14-14 Ga. 12-12 Ga. 1/8" - 1/8" 3/16" - 3/16"
#8-18 HWH, PPH 405 - - - - -
#10-16 HWH, PPCKH, PFH 435 605 845 - - -
#12-14 HWH, PPCKH, PUFH 460 645 900 1,380 - -
#12-24 HWH 460 645 900 1,380 1,640 2,460
1/4"-14 HWH 495 695 970 1,595 - -
1/4"-20 HWH 495 695 970 1,595 1,900 2,850
1. Design (LRFD) strengths are based on a safety factor,
= 0.50 determined in accordance with AISI S100-16.
2. Values are based on steel members with a minimum tensile strength of F
= 45 ksi.
3. Design (LRFD) Shear (Bearing) capacities for other member thicknesses may be determined by interpolating within the table.
4. For LRFD shear connections, the lower of the LRFD Shear (Bearing) Capacity and the LRFD Fastener Shear Strength must be used for design.
5. For steel with a minimum tensile strength F
≥ 58 ksi, multiply tabulated values by 1.29 and for steel with a minimum tensile strength F
≥ 65 ksi steel, multiply tabulated values by 1.44.
6. The first number is the thickness of steel in contact with the screw head, the second number is the thickness of the steel not in contact with the screw head.
Ultimate Tension Pull-Out Capacity of Screw Connections in Steel, lbf
Diameter Point Type
Steel Thickness
18 Ga. 16 Ga. 14 Ga. 12 Ga. 1/8" 3/16" 1/4"
#8-18 #2 300 335 525 855 - - -
#10-16 #2 275 405 475 835 - - -
#10-16 #3 - 370 410 745 965 1,185 -
#10-16 w/wings #3 - 350 - - 1,360 - -
#12-14 #2 315 450 535 920 - - -
#12-14 #3 250 405 480 825 1,215 1,940 -
#12-24 #5 - - - - - 1,635 2,160
#12-24 w/wings #5 - 350 - - 1,140 - 1,525
1/4"-14 #2 370 530 650 1,100 - - -
1/4"-20 #3 - 410 470 865 1,575 2,860 -
1/4"-20 w/wings #5 - 250 - - 950 - 2,105
1/4"-20 #5 - - - - - - 2,390
1. Ultimate strengths are based on laboratory tests.
2. Ultimate load capacities must be reduced by a minimum safety factor to determine allowable loads (ASD) or by a load resistance factor to determine strength design capacities (LRFD).
Allowable Tension Pull-Out Capacity of Screw Connections in Steel, lbf
Diameter Point Type
Steel Thickness
18 Ga. 16 Ga. 14 Ga. 12 Ga. 1/8" 3/16" 1/4"
#8-18 #2 100 110 175 285 - - -
#10-16 #2 90 135 160 280 - - -
#10-16 #3 - 125 135 250 320 395 -
#10-16 w/wings #3 - 110 - - 500
- -
#12-14 #2 105 150 180 305 - - -
#12-14 #3 85 135 160 275 405 645 -
#12-24 #5 - - - - - 545 720
#12-24 w/wings #5 - 90 - - 380
- 565
1/4"-14 #2 125 175 215 365 - - -
1/4"-20 #3 - 135 155 290 525 955 -
1/4"-20 w/wings #5 - 55 - - 385
- 780
1/4"-20 #5 - - - - - - 795
1. Unless otherwise noted, Allowable (ASD) strengths are based on a safety factor, =3.00, determined in accordance with ICC-ES AC118 and AISI S100-16.
2. Values are based on steel members with a minimum tensile strength of F
= 45 ksi.
3. Allowable (ASD) pull-out capacities for other member thicknesses may be deterimined by interpolating within the table.
4. For ASD tension connections, the lower of the ASD tension strength, ASD pull-out strength and ASD pull-over strength must be used for design.
5. Unless otherwise noted, for 18 gauge through 1/4" thick steel with a minimum tensile strength F
≥ 52 ksi, multiply tabulated values by 1.15; when F
≥ 58 ksi, multiply tabulated values by
1.29. For 18 gauge through 1/8" thick steel, when F
≥ 65 ksi steel, multiply tabulated values by 1.44.
6. Allowable (ASD) strengths are based on a safety factor, , determined in accordance with ICC-ES AC500 and AISI S100-16. For steel with a minimum tensile strength F
≥ 52 ksi, multiply
tabulated values by 1.15.