User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Dexcom G5 Mobile System User Guide
On the Go With G5: Customizing Your Alarm and Alerts
Signal Loss
What’s Next?
Believe it or not, you are becoming a pro at using your G5 Mobile! You’ve set
up the app and receiver, started a session, calibrated, followed your glucose
trends, paid attention to your Alarm/Alerts prompts, and ended a session!
The next chapters begin our fourth part of the user guide: information you
need to know, but unlike the previous chapters, typically not part of your day-
to-day G5 Mobile experience.
The next part, Part 4: Everything Else G5, reviews the technical specifications,
the warranty, how to take care of the G5 Mobile components, going through
security when traveling, contacting the Help Desk, Troubleshooting
information, and symbols on system components and packages.