User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Personalizing Your Sounds
The revolutionary technology found on all
models of DEXIBELL digital Pianos.
T2L-Modelling is the combination of
innovative technologies developed to
achieve maximum timbre accuracy and
precise sound responsiveness to the multiple
articulations of a pianist.
T2L modelling has many algorithms that simulate all the
characteristics of an acoustic piano. It take care of many aspect as:
NoDumper (“No Damper“ on high notes)
The last 18 higher notes, like in the acoustic instrument, do not have the
presence of the dampers and then are free to vibrate even when keys are
The duration of these notes, playing in staccato mode, is much longer
than the previous notes that instead have the presence of the damper
Notes without
FP-Simulation (“Forte Pedal” multi actions simulation)
The “Forte Pedal (Sustain), performs several actions that are simulated
through this function.
A) When the “Forte” pedal is pressed, a sound is generated to simulate the
damper friction noises of felts when releasing from the strings (Dumper
Friction Noise).
B) Pressing the “Forte” pedal, the active notes will be enriched with
resonances produced by all strings free to vibrate, thanks to the raised
dampers (Strings Resonance). The result of the Strings Resonance makes
the sound of a sustained note by the use of the “Forte” pedal substantially
dierent from the sound of a just held note.
C) When the “Forte” pedal is released, a noise is simulated like the mechanical
noise in the acoustic instrument (Sustain Pedal Mechanical Noise)
(C) “Forte” pedal is released,
felt dampers are resting on
(A) & (B) “Forte” pedal is
pressed, felt dampers are
SP-Simulation (“Soft Pedal” Simulation)
The “Soft” Pedal, acts a change of volume and timbre color of the sound,
simulating the "soft" function on the acoustic piano.
Soft Pedal
T2L Sound Parameters
VIVO S7/S3 allows you to personalize the tones of your Piano keyboard by
adjusting various factors that aect the sound.
Each Tone has available a number of parameters that allow you to
personalize the sound.. Below, you'll nd an example of some parameters
characterizing the piano sound.
Hammer-Noises (Key On impulsive Noises)
Attack of notes contains an impulsive portion of sound produced
by the hit of the Hammer to the strings, amplied and sustained by
the resonance of the piano body. A function is available to reduce/
increment this element of the sounds.
Key O Noise (Key O Mechanical Noises)
The release of keys causes mechanical noises proportional to the
speed of the release itself. This behavior of the acoustic instrument
is reproduced by this function.
Damper Noise
This is the typical noise of an acoustic piano when the pedal sustain
is pressed (lift all dampers) or released (lower all dampers).
String Reso (Sympathetic Harmonic Resonances)
As in the acoustic Piano, while holding down some keys and playing
other notes in staccato mode, a multitude of additional harmonics
can be listened, thanks to "sympathetic resonance" generated by
the free to vibrate strings (due to raised dumpers) of the held notes.
Raised dumpers of held note