User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Eects Types and Parameters List
1: Thru
The eects processor is bypassed.
2: EP Tremolo
This eect cyclically modulates (Speed) the amplitude (Intensity) to
add tremolo to the sound. It's the electric piano typical eect.
Parameter Setting Explanation
Speed 0.10 ~ 12.50 Hz Sets the speed of the tremolo eect.
Intensity 0 ~ 100 Depth to which the eect is applied.
3: Equalizer
This is a four-band stereo equalizer (low, mid x 2, high).
Parameter Setting Explanation
Low Freq 80 ~ 400 Selects the frequency of the low range.
Low Gain -12 ~ 0 ~ +12 Adjusts the gain of the low frequency.
High Freq 800Hz ~ 8KHz Selects the frequency of the high range.
High Gain -12 ~ 0 ~ +12 Adjusts the gain of the high frequency.
Mid1 Freq 200Hz ~ 4KHz Selects the frequency of the Mid1 range.
Mid1 Gain -12 ~ 0 ~ +12 Adjusts the gain of the Mid1 frequency.
Mid1 Q 0.5 ~ 12.0
Move this parameter to adjusts the width
of the area around the Middle 1 frequency
that will be aected by the Gain setting.
Higher values of Mid1 Q set narrowest
Mid2 Freq 200Hz ~ 4KHz Selects the frequency of the Mid2 range.
Mid2 Gain -12 ~ 0 ~ +12 Adjusts the gain of the Mid2 frequency.
Mid2 Q 0.5 ~ 12.0
Move this parameter to adjusts the width
of the area around the Middle 2 frequency
that will be aected by the Gain setting.
Higher values of Mid2 Q set narrowest
4: Vibrato
Vibrato is a musical eect consisting of a regular, pulsating change
of pitch. It is used to add expression to instrumental music.
Parameter Setting Explanation
Rate 0.10 ~ 12.50 Hz Sets the speed of the vibrato eect.
Intensity 0 ~ 100 Allows you to set the vibrato intensity.
5: Flanger
This eect gives a signicant swell and movement of pitch to the
sound. It produces a metallic resonance eect.
Parameter Setting Explanation
Rate 0.10 ~ 12.50 Hz Adjust the modulation speed.
Intensity 0 ~ 100 Allows you to set the anger intensity.
Feedback -96 ~ +96 %
Adjusts the proportion of the anger
sound that is fed back into the eect.
Negative (–) settings will invert the phase.
Balance 0 ~ 100
Balance the Volume between the direct
and the eect sound.
Parameter Setting Explanation
PreDelay 0 ~ 100 ms
Adjusts the delay from the direct signal
and the moment when the anger starts
Phase 0 ~ 180 deg
This sets the LFO phase dierence
between the left and right, in steps of 10
degrees It give more spatial of the sound.
6: Chorus
This eect adds thickness and warmth to the sound by modulating
the delay time of the input signal. You can add spread to the sound
by osetting the phase of the left and right LFOs from each other.
Parameter Setting Explanation
Rate 0.10 ~ 12.50 Hz Adjust the modulation speed.
Intensity 0 ~ 100 Allows you to set the chorus intensity.
Feedback -96 ~ +96 %
Adjusts the proportion of the chorus
sound that is fed back into the eect.
Negative (–) settings will invert the
Balance 0 ~ 100
Balance the Volume between the direct
and the eect sound.
PreDelay 0 ~ 100 ms
Adjusts the delay from the direct signal
and the moment when the chorus starts
Phase 0 ~ 180 deg
This sets the LFO phase dierence
between the left and right, in steps of
10 degrees.
7: Phaser
This eect creates a swell by shifting the phase. It is very eective
on electric piano sounds. You can add spread to the sound by
osetting the phase of the left and right LFOs from each other.
Parameter Setting Explanation
Rate 0.10 ~ 12.50 Hz Adjust the modulation speed.
Intensity 0 ~ 100 Allows you to set the phaser intensity.
Feedback -96 ~ +96 %
Adjusts the proportion of the phaser
sound that is fed back into the eect.
Negative (–) settings will invert the
Phase 0 ~ 180 deg
This sets the LFO phase dierence
between the left and right, in steps of
10 degrees.
8: Reverb
This eect adds reverberation to the sound, simulating an acoustic
space as a room or a larger halls or stadiums.
Parameter Setting Explanation
Level 0 ~ 127 Set the quantity of Reverb eect
Damping 0 ~ 127
Adjusts the amount of damping of the
room (Carpet, Wood, Brick, Concrete,
Higher values increase the amount of
high-frequency attenuation.
Room Size 0 ~ 127
It determines the size of the simulated
Width 0 ~ 127
Adjusts the stereo width of the Reverb
Higher value increase the stereo width.