User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Eects Types and Parameters List
Parameter Setting Explanation
PreDelay 0 ~ 100 ms
Adjusts the delay from the direct signal
and the moment when the reverb
starts working. This is used to simulate
the distance between the original
signal and the reective surfaces.
9: Delay
The delay eect is used to simulate echo (repetition).
Parameter Setting Explanation
Delay L 0 ~ 500 ms Sets the delay time for the left channel.
Delay R 0 ~ 500 ms Sets the delay time for the right channel.
Feedback -96 ~ +96 %
Adjusts the proportion of the delay sound
that is fed back into the eect.
Negative (–) settings will invert the phase.
Wet 0 ~ 100 %
Adjust the quantity of the delayed ("wet")
Dry 0 ~ 100 %
Adjust the quantity of the unmodied ("dry")
10: Cross Delay
Cross Delay allows you to create advanced stereo delay.
Each echo can be sent to the opposite channel from the source
signal (echo of the left channel is heard on the right).
Parameter Setting Explanation
Delay L 0 ~ 500 ms Sets the delay time for the left channel.
Delay R 0 ~ 500 ms Sets the delay time for the right channel.
Feedback -96 ~ +96 %
Adjusts the proportion of the delay sound that
is fed back into the eect.
Negative (–) settings will invert the phase.
Wet 0 ~ 100 %
Adjust the quantity of the delayed ("wet")
Dry 0 ~ 100 %
Adjust the quantity of the unmodied ("dry")
11: Triple Tap Delay
The Triple Tap Delay produces three delay sounds: center, left and
Parameter Setting Explanation
Delay L 0 ~ 500 ms Sets the delay time for the left channel.
Delay R 0 ~ 500 ms Sets the delay time for the right channel.
Delay C 0 ~ 500 ms Sets the delay time for the center (L+R) channel.
Feedback -96 ~ +96 %
Adjusts the proportion of the delay sound that
is fed back into the eect.
Negative (–) settings will invert the phase.
Level L 0 ~ 100 Adjust the volume of the left delay sound.
Level R 0 ~ 100 Adjust the volume of the right delay sound.
Level C 0 ~ 100 Adjust the volume of the center delay sound.
Wet 0 ~ 100 %
Adjust the quantity of the delayed ("wet")
Dry 0 ~ 100 %
Adjust the quantity of the unmodied ("dry")
12: Rotary
The rotary is a typical eect generated by the rotation of the
speakers, this rotation creates a Larsen eect. It gives spaciousness
to the sound.
Parameter Setting Explanation
Speed Slow, Fast
Switches the speaker rotation speed
between slow and fast.
Brake OFF, ON
This parameter allows you to manually
control the wheel brake.
O is the default; the tone wheels will
turn normally.
Changing this to On will make the tone
wheels gradually slow down and stop.
Vibrato Sw OFF, ON Disable and enable the vibrato eect.
Vibrato Type
V1, C1, V2, C2,
V3, C3
This selects one of the six classic Vibrato/
Chorus presets.
“V stands for Vibrato, and “C” stands for
13: Tremolo
This eect cyclically modulates (Speed) the amplitude (Intensity) to
add tremolo to the sound.
Parameter Setting Explanation
Speed 0.10 ~ 12.50 Hz Sets the speed of the tremolo eect.
Intensity 0 ~ 100 Depth to which the eect is applied.
14: Tremolo Pan
This eect is similar to the Tremolo. It include an extra parameter
that indicate the phase between the left or right channel.
Parameter Setting Explanation
Speed 0.10 ~ 12.50 Hz Sets the speed of the tremolo eect.
Intensity 0 ~ 100 Depth to which the eect is applied.
Phase 0 ~ 180 deg
This sets the LFO phase dierence
between the left and right, in steps of
10 degrees.
15: Overdrive
This eect is designed to work and sound like an old tube amp
turned up loud. It suitable for hard rock and similar musical genres.
Parameter Setting Explanation
Drive 1 ~ 100
Higher Drive settings, mean more
Tone 100 Hz ~ 10.0 KHz
Use this parameter to accent or attenu-
ate certain dominant or unwanted
Level 0 ~ 100
Increase or decrease the volume of
the eect.
Low Freq 80 ~ 400 Selects the frequency of the low range.
Low Gain -12 ~ 0 ~ +12 Adjusts the gain of the low frequency.
High Freq 800Hz ~ 8KHz
Selects the frequency of the high
High Gain -12 ~ 0 ~ +12 Adjusts the gain of the high frequency.