User's Manual

DA14580 Range extender v.2 reference application
Company confidential
User manual
Revision 1.1
CFR0012-00 Rev 1
44 of 60
© 2015 Dialog Semiconductor
FCC/ ETSI Measurements 5.3
Emission limitation conducted (transmitter) 5.3.1 Test description
In this test the level of the harmonics produced by the Tx path was measured. Test setup
The Range Extender v.2 Module was mounted on a DK Development Board with the use of an
intermediate interposer board. In order to evaluate the harmonics levels production, the production
test firmware with embedded PA signal control was used. The boards under test, were set into
continuous transmit mode. An RF cable assembly was connected to J1 connector (UMC RF Series)
and in the other end were connected to the spectrum analyser. Three channels were tested,
channels 0, 19 and 39. Test results
Table 16: Conducted Tx harmonics at V
= 3.0 V @ CH00, CH19, CH39
Parameter (dBm)
CH00 2402MHz
CH19 2440MHz
CH39 2480 MHz
2nd harmonic power
3rd harmonic power
4th harmonic power
5th harmonic power
All measurements comply with the limits specified in FCC 15.247/ Sub clause (d). Please note that
the 2
harmonic power is has a 11.2 dBm margin to the FCC limits (-41.2 dBm).
Emission limitation radiated (transmitter) 5.3.2 Test description
In this test the level of radiated spurious emissions produced in the Tx mode was measured in the
certified semi-anechoic RF chamber at AT4W labs. Test setup
For the measurements, the device under test comes with its OTP preloaded with the production test
firmware with embedded PA signal control. This software can be configured to generate the required
test patterns. The hardware configuration for the test is shown in Figure 40.