User's Manual

The player provides USB mass storage function so that the player itself can function as
a single hard drive. The user can connect the player to the PC in which Windows ME,
2000, or XP, not Windows 98, is installed by plug-and-play method without installing
special software.
Connecting to the PC
If the user connects the USB cable while the device is off or being charged, the device will
function by USB power and software connection will be automatically made. (While recording
with the device, the user cannot connect the device to the PC.)
If the user’s PC uses Windows 98, the user will need to install a separate driver.
Disconnecting from the PC
Before removing the player, disconnect the cable first. Otherwise, the data may be lost or
Close all files and click on icon(
) at the lower-right part of the screen. (If there is a file or
folder open, the device will not be properly removed from the PC.) Then, the following toolbar
will be created:
Click on the tool bar. Then, the following window will appear. Delete the device.
When the following toolbar is displayed, physically disconnect the player from the PC.
If the PC supports only USB 1.1, a message that says that the device cannot be removed
may be displayed. When this happens, check the HDD is not operating and disconnect the
USB cable.
Supporting FAT32 File System
Connecting to the PC