User manual

Chapter Three: Peripheral Connections
3.1 Front Panel Connections
3.1.1 Input Jack
The input jack (“IN”) receives your Electric Guitar signal by means of a shielded
guitar cord with 1/4” mono style plug.
Your guitar cord is an important part of your signal chain and its quality and
construction type clearly affect the overall tone of your rig. Try and buy the best
quality guitar cord that you can or want to afford. Call us if you have doubts and
need recommendations. This is where the smart “weak link” comment comes in.
3.1.2 Cable ABC
Some cords and cables sound very neutral; others color the sound spectrum and/or
attenuate high frequencies due to capacitance inside the wire and the shield. What
are we talking about? OK. A capacitor is used in electronic crossovers, amongst other
things, to divide low and high frequencies. Capacitance in a cable cuts your guitar’s
high end to a certain degree. Generally, the longer of a cord you use, the more of the
cord’s inherent characteristics will be audible.
3.1.3 Cable Selection
In certain circumstances, it is desirable to match a guitar cord to a specific
instrument. One may use the otherwise undesirable qualities of a cord to one’s
advantage, if one has the time and patience to experiment with different cords and
guitars. This should be done while playing with your band, or while recording.
Sometimes it is difficult to tell a component’s true advantages until it is used in the
right context.A guitar that has very piercing highs could theoretically be tamed down
somewhat by using a long guitar cord that offers some high-end attenuation. The
loops of your Einstein send signals at higher levels and impedances, which makes this
section of wiring less sensitive. You should still use reliable and good quality wiring for
all loops.