Operation Manual

Right Click the Playlist that you chose and choose Rename. Make sure it doesnt have an
identical name with another Playlist
Interface Display
4.4.4 Mutual transfer of Playlist of the computer and MP3 player
Choose any Playlist listed in the PC menu box. Click download and thus it will be transferred
to the MP3 player.
Both the Playlist itself and the files in the Playlist are transferred to the MP3 Player.
Choose the Playlist for transfer. Same procedures for transferring to the computer.
4.4.5 Delete files from the Playlist
Choose any Playlists from either computer or MP3 player
4.5 Manage the record library of the computer and MP3 Player
4.5.1 Browse and Delete Media files
Choose those media files from the record folder from the menu, meanwhile the chosen files are
shown in the content list.
Choose any files from the content list, and choose delete files from the editing menu. Then a
window pops up and you can confirm the deletion.