Operation Manual

¾ A-B Replay
At Music playback, Press Mode once to enter into Music Submenu and select Replay by pressing
Mode once
1) “A” flickers in Replay Mode icon Push to set “A” as starting point
2) “B” flickers, Push
to set “B” as endpoint
3The player will start to repeat A-B segment .
4) You can stop the replay by pressing Mode button again.
¾ Replay Times :
Set A-B repeat times
¾ Replay Gap:
The break period between different playing times (unit: second).
¾ Synchronized lyric display
This player supports”*.LRC” lyric files (you can download the lyric editor software from website
and store the lyric files with MP3 files into the player).
For example :
Name of song: LOVE.MP3
Name of lyric file: LOVE.LRC
If there is lyric available for current song, then the icon “
” will change into “ ” in the audio