User's Manual

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Digi Connect Wi-EM 9210 Hardware Reference
GPIO Registers
Six registers govern the 16 GPIO pins. There are four configuration registers. Each has
eight bits dedicated to the configuration of each GPIO.
Each GPIO configuration section is set up the same way. The following table shows the
settings using bits D07:00; the same settings apply to the corresponding bits in D31:24,
D23:D16, and D15:08.
GPIO pin configuration registers
Register D31:24 D23:D1
D15:08 D07:00
A090 2000, config 0 GPIO [15] GPIO [14] GPIO [13] GPIO [12]
A090 2004, config 1 GPIO [11] GPIO [10] GPIO [9] GPIO [8]
A090 2008, config 2 GPIO [7] GPIO [6] GPIO [5] GPIO [4]
A090 200C, config 3 GPIO [3] GPIO [2] GPIO [1] GPIO [0]
GPIO Configuration
Setings using bits D07:00
D07:06 Reserved N/A
D05:03 FUNC
Use these bits to select the function you want to use. For
a detailed description of each function see the NS 9210
HRM in the Pinout chapter under "General purpose I/O
(GPIO)" and the "GPIO pin use" table in this manual.
000 Function #0
001 Function #1
010 Function #2RESET_DONE - default for GPIO[12]
011 Function #3GPIO - default, except for GPIO[12]
100 Function #4