User Manual

Digi Connect EM & Wi-EM Hardware Reference
The following figure schematically represents the polarity of the power jack
Power Jack Polarity Schematic.
The development board provides the following switches:
Reset Switch (SW5)
Serial/GPIO Switch Bank 3 (SW3) and Switch Bank 4 (SW4)
GPIO Switch Bank 1 (SW1) and 2 (SW2)
Reset Switch (SW5)
This push button switch is labeled SW5. Pressing it sets the module’s /RST line low,
holding the module in a hard reset until the switch is released.
Note: This is a "hard" reset using the /RST pin on the main connector, not a "soft" reset.
The reset button on the embedded module performs a "soft" reset (see also "Main
Connector (P8)" on page 29).
+9 to +30 VDC