User's Manual

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©2013DigiInternatonal,Inc. 38
ST (Time before Sleep) Command
<Sleep Mode (Low Power)> The ST Command is
used to set/read the period of time (in
milliseconds) in which the RF module remains
inactive before entering Sleep Mode.
For example, if the ST Parameter is set to 0x64
(100 decimal), the module will enter into Sleep
mode after 10 seconds of inactivity (no
transmitting or receiving).
This command can only be used if Cyclic Sleep or
Serial Port Sleep Mode settings have been
selected using SM (Sleep Mode) Command.
TP (Board Temperature) Command
<Diagnostics> TP Command is used to read the
current temperature of the board.
Sample Output:26 C[when ATCF = 0]
1A [when ATCF = 1]
26 [when ATCF = 2].
TR (Transmit Error Count) Command
<Diagnostics> The TR command is used to report
the number of retransmit failures. This number is
incremented each time a packet is not
acknowledged within the number of retransmits
specified by the RR (Retries) parameter. The
number of packets therefore are counted that
were not successfully received and subsequently
The TR parameter is not non-volatile and is reset to zero when the RF module is reset.
TT (Streaming Limit) Command
<Networking & Security> The TT command is
used to set/read the limit on the number of bytes
that can be sent out before a random delay is
If an RF module is sending a continuous stream of
RF data, a delay is inserted which stops its
transmission and allows other modules time to
transmit (once it sends TT bytes of data).
Inserted random delay lasts between 1 & 'RN + 1' delay slots, where each delay slot lasts 38 ms.
The TT command can be used to simulate full-duplex behavior.
AT Command: ATST
Binary Command: 0x02 (2 decimal)
Parameter Range:(ATAT+3) - 0x7FFF
[x 100 milliseconds]
Default Parameter Value: 0x64 (100 decimal)
Number of bytes returned: 2
Related Commands: SM (Sleep Mode), LH
(Wake-up Initializer Timer), HT (Time before
Wake-up Initializer)
AT Command: ATTP
Binary Command: 0x38 (56 decimal)
Parameter Range (read-only): 0- 0x7F
Number of bytes returned: 1
Related Command: WN (Warning Data)
AT Command: ATTR
Binary Command: 0x1B (27 decimal)
Parameter Range: 0 - 0xFFFF
Default Parameter Value: 0
Number of bytes returned: 2
Related Commands: RR (Retries)
AT Command: ATTT
Binary Command: 0x1A (26 decimal)
Parameter Range:0 - 0xFFFF
Default Parameter Value: 0 (disabled)
Number of bytes returned: 2
Related Commands: RN (Delay Slots)