User's Manual

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©2009DigiInternational,Inc. 56
Maximum RF Payload Size
XBee ZB firmware includes a command (ATNP) that returns the maximum number of RF payload
bytes that can be sent in a unicast transmission. Querying the NP command, like most other
commands, returns a HEXADECIMAL value. This number will change based on whether security is
enabled or not. If security is enabled (EE command), the maximum number of RF payload bytes
decreases since security requires additional overhead.
After reading the NP value, the following conditions can affect the maximum number of data bytes
in a single RF transmission:
Broadcast transmissions can support 8 bytes more than unicast transmissions.
If source routing is used, the 16-bit addresses in the source route are inserted into the RF
payload space. For example, if NP returns 84 bytes, and a source route must traverse 3 inter-
mediate hops (3 16-bit addresses), the total number of bytes that can be sent in one RF
packet is 78.
Enabling APS encryption (API tx option bit set) will reduce the number of payload bytes by 4.
Throughput in a ZigBee network can vary by a number of variables, including: number of hops,
encryption enabled/disabled, sleeping end devices, failures/route discoveries. Our empirical
testing showed the following throughput performance in a robust operating environment (low
Data Throughput*
RR = router to router,
RE = router to end device (non-sleeping),
ER = end device (non-sleeping) to router,
SD = security disabled,
SE = security enabled.
4 hops = 5 nodes total, 3 intermediate router nodes
* Data throughput measurements were made setting the serial interface rate to 115200 bps, and
measuring the time to send 100,000 bytes from source to destination. During the test, no route
discoveries or failures occurred.
ZDO Transmissions
ZigBee defines a ZigBee Device Objects layer (ZDO) that can provide device and service discovery
and network management capabilities. This layer is described below.
Configuration Data Throughput
1 hop, RR, SD 35kbps
1 hop, RR, SE 19kbps
1 hop, RE, SD 25kbps
1 hop, RE, SE 16kbps
1 hop, ER, SD 21kbps
1 hop, ER, SE 16kbps
4 hops, RR, SD 10kbps
4 hops, RR, SE 5kbps