
Table Of Contents
Getting Started with Mbox46
Memory Locations
Memory Locations provide another way to nav-
igate within sessions. Memory Locations appear
as markers under the Timebase Rulers.
To define a memory location:
1 Navigate to the location at which you want to
store a marker or memory location.
– or –
Begin playback.
2 Press Enter on the numeric keypad while
stopped or during playback (or click the Markers
In the New Memory Location window, you can
define a marker, store a selection, or store any
combination of the other available settings.
These settings include track height, group en-
ables, pre- and post-roll values, and track
Show/Hide status.
3 Choose settings for the memory location and
click OK.
To go to a stored memory location:
1 Choose Windows > Show Memory Locations.
2 In the Memory Locations window, click the
name of the memory location.
Viewing and Zooming
When viewing tracks in the Edit window, you
can adjust the height of tracks as well as zoom in
vertically and horizontally using the Track
Height selector and Zoom tools.
New Memory Location window
Zoom and Track Height tools in the Edit window
Zoom presets
Zoom buttons
Track Height Selector