
Table Of Contents
Getting Started with Mbox74
Buffer Size
You may select from the following buffer sizes
(depending on your Digidesign hardware):
64 samples
128 samples
256 samples
512 samples
1024 samples
2048 samples
Small buffers have the advantage of low latency
in the record monitor path, but also are more
taxing on your computer’s CPU and could con-
tribute to dropouts in your audio during record
or playback. (Latency is the time delay between
a signal entering the audio inputs and leaving
the outputs during recording.)
Larger buffers have the advantage of making the
Digidesign CoreAudio Driver more immune to
audio dropouts during playback and recording,
but can cause a noticeable delay when monitor-
ing your inputs in the recording process. In
some CoreAudio-client applications, perform-
ing various tasks will interrupt the CoreAudio
Driver and may result in clicks and pops in au-
dio playback or recording. Choosing medium or
large buffers (such as 512 or 1024) can help alle-
viate this problem.
Changing the Buffer Size for the Digidesign
CoreAudio Driver does not affect the H/W
Buffer Size settings in the Pro Tools Playback En-
gine dialog.
To configure Digidesign CoreAudio Hardware
Buffer Size:
1 Launch Digidesign CoreAudio Manager (lo-
cated in /Applications/Digidesign).
2 From the Buffer Size pop-up menu, select the
desired CoreAudio buffer size (in samples). Gen-
erally, smaller buffer sizes are preferable. How-
ever, if you experience any problems with
performance (such as clicks and pops during re-
cording or playback), try increasing the Core-
Audio Buffer Size setting. You can also change
the buffer size from within the client applica-
tion if it is the only client attached to the Core-
Audio driver. Once two or more clients are
active, you will not be able to change the sample
rate or the buffer size.
HW Setup Button
The HW Setup button opens the Hardware
Setup dialog for your Digidesign hardware. For
more information, refer to the Getting Started
Guide for your Pro Tools system or the Pro Tools
Reference Guide.
To configure Digidesign CoreAudio HW Setup:
1 Launch Digidesign CoreAudio Manager (lo-
cated in /Applications/Digidesign).
2 Click the HW Setup button to open the Hard-
ware Setup dialog. The HW Setup button will
only be available when no clients are using the
CoreAudio driver.
Figure 8. Hardware Setup dialog