
Table Of Contents
Appendix D: Digidesign CoreAudio Driver (Macintosh Only) 75
3 Configure the Hardware Setup dialog for your
Digidesign hardware. If you have more than one
audio interface connected to your Pro Tools
TDM system, be sure to select and configure
only the primary audio interface connected to
the core card.
4 When you are finished, click OK to close the
Hardware Setup dialog.
Prefs Button
The Prefs button opens the Digidesign Core-
Audio Manager Preferences dialog for the Man-
ager application. There are several options avail-
able for control and configuration of the
Manager application. When finished setting
these options, click OK to close the Digidesign
CoreAudio Manager Preferences windows.
Enable this option to hide the Manager panel af-
ter the first client application accesses the Core-
Audio driver. To open the Manager panel, click
on the Digidesign CoreAudio Manager applica-
tion icon in the Dock.
Auto-Quit Manager when Last Client Quits En-
able this option to make the Manager applica-
tion quit when there are no longer any clients
using the CoreAudio driver.
Use D-Control Stereo Routing (L/R to 1/5) En-
able this option to configure the CoreAudio
driver to output through the D-Controls stan-
dard stereo routing outputs 1 and 5.
Mirror Analog Outs 1 & 2 to Digital Outs (002
Only) When using Digi 002 or Digi 002 Rack, en-
able this option to mirror the main outputs
through the digital outputs that are selected in
the HW Setup panel.
Connect Button
The Connect button is available when the Digi-
design CoreAudio Manager is launched and can-
not connect with the Digidesign hardware (such
as when Pro Tools is launched and the hardware
is disconnected or disabled). Before trying to
connect, make sure to quit Pro Tools and make
sure that your hardware is connected and
turned on. You can then click on the Connect
button to acquire the hardware.
Quit Button
Use the Quit button to quit the Digidesign Core-
Audio Manger. Be sure to quit any client appli-
cations before using the Quit button in the
Manager. If any applications are currently at-
tached to the Manager application when quit-
ting, you may get an error message indicating
that the Digidesign hardware is no longer avail-
able. You may have to change the application’s
preferences to use different hardware for play-
back or possibly quit and relaunch the applica-
tion for proper playback to be resumed.
For more information on the Hardware
Setup dialog, refer to your Getting Started
Guide or the Pro Tools Reference Guide.
Figure 9. Digidesign CoreAudio Manager
If any application is launched prior to press-
ing the Connect button and you want that
application to use the CoreAudio driver for
playback, you will need to quit and re-
launch the application for it to connect
properly to the Digidesign CoreAudio Man-