
Chapter 4: Using Video Satellite LE 13
Spotting Video to the
Pro Tools Timeline
Once a session is created (or an existing session
opened) on the satellite Pro Tools system, and
the video has been imported, the video must be
set to the correct start time so that it runs in
sync with the audio on the main Pro Tools sys-
Video can be spotted to the desired start time by
matching timecode or feet+frames values. For
more information on spotting video in
Pro Tools, see the Pro Tools Reference Guide.
Optimizing Synchronization
Settings Between the
Administrator and Satellite
Compensating for Different Start Times
in Pro Tools and Video Satellite LE
In some cases, you may want the Video Satellite
LE system to be offset from the administrator
system to accommodate for external deck offsets
or differences in session start time.
You can control the amount of offset by chang-
ing the Timecode Offset parameters on the
Pro Tools LE video satellite system.
To compensate for different start times:
1 In Pro Tools, go to Setup > Session. The Ses-
sion Setup window appears.
2 In the Timecode Offsets section, compensate
for the offset between Pro Tools and Video Satel-
lite LE as follows:
If the start time of the video clip in video
satellite falls before the start time of the ad-
ministrator Pro Tools session, type a posi-
tive timecode value into the Satellite Offset
If the start time of the video clip in video
satellite falls after the start time of the ad-
ministrator Pro Tools session, type a nega-
tive timecode value into the Satellite Offset
Compensating for Monitor-Induced
Output Delay
Many monitors add a delay to the video output
of one or more frames. You can compensate for
this delay by advancing the video output by the
necessary number of frames.
To set the number of frames to offset video output:
1 On the video satellite system, choose Setup >
Video Sync Offset
2 In the Video Sync Offset field that matches the
type of video you’re playing (QuickTime or
Avid), type a positive value that matches the
amount of delay in the monitors. You may need
to try a few different settings.