User's Manual

Transferring Data
48 Eclipse
Operator’s Manual
Deleting Data from Receiver After Transfer
After you have transferred the data for all of the runs saved in the receiver, you can delete the data from
the receiver to make room for more runs. You can save up to 30 hours of data or five runs (check the
receiver’s used memory) before you have to delete data from the receiver. Be sure you have transferred
and saved the data on your computer before you delete the data from the receiver. Once the data is
deleted from the receiver, it cannot be retrieved. You may want to transfer the same run a few times
(using different run information and file names each time), so that you have a backup version of the data.
NOTE: You cannot save more than five runs in the receiver at any one time. If you attempt to
save more than five runs before deleting data, you could lock-up the receiver and lose
all data it has saved. This may require the receiver to be returned to DCI for repair.
To delete all data from the receiver:
1. Select DataLog from the receiver’s main menu screen, and click the trigger. Then select the
Tension DataLog option, and click the trigger.
2. From the TensiTrak menu, select Delete Tension Data, and click the trigger.
3. You will see the Delete Tension Data dialog box. Push the toggle to the right to select Y for yes,
and click the trigger.
NOTE: When you delete data from the receiver, you will delete ALL data in the receiver. You
cannot delete specific runs. Be sure you have saved the data on your computer before
you delete the data from the receiver.
4. After the data has been deleted, click the trigger.
5. To return to the main menu screen, push the toggle down two times.