User's Manual

Operator’s Manual 7
Eclipse TensiTrak System
The DigiTrak
Pullback and Pressure Monitoring System allows you to monitor and
save live pullback data electronically. The TensiTrak unit is a self-contained wireless tool that measures
and transmits real-time data related to the pull forces on a product and downhole mud pressures during
horizontal directional drilling (HDD) installations. It is placed behind the reamer between a swivel and the
product. The data is monitored and saved using a walkover Eclipse TensiTrak receiver, which transmits
live data to the Eclipse TensiTrak remote display on the drill rig. The data is then transferred to a
computer for analysis, graphing, printing, saving, and e-mailing.
The following types of data can be monitored and saved with the Eclipse TensiTrak system:
Monitored and Saved on Receiver
Monitored Only on Receiver Saved on TensiTrak Unit
Real-time pull force TensiTrak temperature Maximum pull force
Real-time downhole mud pressure TensiTrak battery status
Maximum pull force TensiTrak depth and position
This operator’s manual begins by describing the primary components of the TensiTrak system, which
include the TensiTrak unit, the Eclipse receiver, the Eclipse remote display, the computer software, the
infrared (IR) cable that connects the receiver to the computer, and the special USB adapter, which is
required for newer computers and laptops without serial ports. Then it presents procedures for saving
pullback data; for installing and using the Eclipse TensiTrak software; for transferring the data from the