Technical data

6.4 DEClaser 1100 Printer Functional FIP
6.4 DEClaser 1100 Printer Functional FIP
The DEClaser 1100 printer functional error messages are firmware errors
as opposed to hardware errors. They are set when resident firmware
detects an error condition such as a memory checksum, memory overflow,
or communication errors. The error condition can be caused by incorrect
operation or by a malfunctioning control board in the printer.
Table 6–4 lists all status messages, explains the message, and provides
troubleshooting information if the message faults.
Table 6–4 DEClaser 1100 Printer Functional Messages
Message Description and Action
FE FONT REMOVAL A font cartridge was removed or inserted while the printer
was powered on. To clear this error, power off the printer,
then on. Always insert or remove a font cartridge while the
printer is powered off.
Swap the video control board if you cannot clear the error.
FF FONT FULL There is insufficient memory space for the loading of an
additional font or there are too many downline loaded fonts.
Memory can be cleared by a software command from the
host or by pressing
20 PAGE FULL The host system is overflowing the page (input) buffer
Error Skip
, then
On Line
to print the overflow data on
the next page.
To avoid this error, delete unused character sets and use the
full paint mode. If this error occurs frequently, the customer
can install optional memory to increase available RAM.
21 COMPLEX DATA The host system is loading the page buffer faster than
the printer can print. Press
Error Skip
, then
On Line
continue printing on the next page.
Set the paint = full value from the initial Setup menu.
(continued on next page)
Control Panel Messages FIPs 6–13