Technical data

9–1 DEClaser 1100/1152 Printers Recommended Spares List
(RSL) ........................................... 9–1
9–2 Parts Locator 1 ................................... 9–4
9–3 Parts Locator 2 ................................... 9–6
9–4 Feeder Parts Locator ............................... 9–8
10–1 Optical Cavity . ................................... 10–26
A–1 Service Messages .................................. A–1
A–2 User Preference Character Set........................ A–3
A–3 Initialization Message . . . ........................... A–3
A–4 Device Identification ............................... A–4
A–5 Macro Feature Examples . ........................... A–4
A–6 DEClaser 1100 Parallel Interface Pin Assignment ......... A–5
A–7 DEClaser 1152 Parallel Interface Pin Assignments ........ A–6
A–8 DEClaser 1100 Serial Interface ....................... A–7
A–9 DEClaser 1152 Serial Interface ....................... A–7
A–10 DEClaser 1100 Video Interface Pin Assignments .......... A–8
A–11 DEClaser 1152 LocalTalk Interface Pin Assignments ...... A–9
A–12 DEC423 Interface Pin Assignments . ................... A–9
A–13 DEClaser 1100 Cables and Adapters .................. A–10
A–14 DEClaser 1152 Printer Cables and Adapters . . . .......... A–12
B–1 Available Cassettes ................................ B–2
B–2 Paper Specifications ................................ B–2
B–3 Transparency Sizes ................................ B–4
B–4 Transparency Specifications .......................... B–4
D–1 Tools . ........................................... D–2
D–2 Documentation . ................................... D–2