Installation guide

The following table lists conventions used in this guide.
Convention Meaning
A key name enclosed in a box indicates that you press that key.
Ctrl/x Ctrl/x indicates that you hold down the Ctrl key while you
press another key, indicated here by x. In examples, this key
combination is enclosed in a box, for example,
bold type In the online book (Bookreader), bold type in examples
indicates commands and other instructions that you enter
at the keyboard.
lowercase Lowercase letters in commands indicate that commands can be
entered in uppercase or lowercase.
In some illustrations, small drawings of the DEC 4000 AXP
system appear in the left margin. Shaded areas help you locate
components on the front or back of the system.
Caution Cautions provide information to prevent damage to equipment
or software.
In command format descriptions, brackets indicate optional
console command
Console command abbreviations must be entered exactly as
Console and operating system commands are shown in this
special typeface.
italic type Italic type in console command sections indicates a variable.
< > In console mode online help, angle brackets enclose a
placeholder for which you must specify a value.
{ } In command descriptions, braces containing items separated by
commas imply mutually exclusive items.
. . . In figures, labels a part of the figure. In text, refers to a
labeled part of a corresponding figure.