Installation guide

Eight contiguous bits starting on an addressable byte boundary.
The bits are numbered right to left, 0 through 7.
cache memory
A small, high-speed memory placed between slower main
memory and the processor. A cache increases effective memory
transfer rates and processor speed. It contains copies of data
recently used by the processor and fetches several bytes of data
from memory in anticipation that the processor will access the
next sequential series of bytes.
card cage
A mechanical assembly in the shape of a frame that holds
modules against the system and storage backplanes.
Compact disc read-only memory. The optical removable media
used in a compact disc reader mass storage device.
central processing unit (CPU)
The unit of the computer that is responsible for interpreting and
executing instructions.
client-server computing
An approach to computing that enables personal computer and
workstation users—the ‘‘client’’—to work cooperatively with
software programs stored on a mainframe or minicomputer—the
A signal used to synchronize the circuits in a computer system.
A group of systems and hardware that communicate over a
common interface. See also VMScluster system.
console mode
The state in which the system and the console terminal operate
under the control of the console program.