User`s guide

4.2 Power Specifications
4.2 Power Specifications
Tables 4–1 through 4–3 describe the StorageWorks power units, dc power
requirements, and the maximum power available for each shelf, respectively.
Only the power units listed in Table 4–1 can be used with the
StorageWorks product line.
The power units pose no safety hazard to personnel during their
replacement, provided that the procedures described in Section 4.5 are
followed exactly.
Table 4–1 StorageWorks Power Units
Item Description
BA35X–HA Universal ac input power supply
Maximum of two per BA350 shelf
90–132 Vac or 175–264 Vac, 47–63 Hz (autoranging)
131 W, +12 Vdc, +5 Vdc
BA35X–HB Universal dc input power supply
Maximum of two per BA350 shelf
38–60 Vdc (nominal 48 Vdc)
131 W, +12 Vdc, +5 Vdc
BA35X–HC Battery Backup Unit†
Maximum of one per BA350 shelf
+12 Vdc from BA35X–HA or BA35X–HB
+12 Vdc, +5 Vdc
200 W peak for 16, 32, or 64 seconds
†BBUs cannot be used in a BA350–MA controller shelf.
Typical power requirements for StorageWorks SBBs and blowers are listed in
Table 4–2. These requirements are based on sequential SBB spin-up.
Table 4–2 Typical SBB DC Power Requirements
Steady State Spin-Up
Device +5 Vdc +12 Vdc +5 Vdc +12 Vdc
3½-inch SBB 4 W 9.6 W 4 W 24.0 W
5¼-inch SBB 12 W 28.8 W 12 W 72.0 W
Blower N/A 7.2 W N/A 7.2 W
The power available for original equipment manufacturers (OEM) devices
depends upon the shelf type—either an SBB shelf, such as the BA350–SA, or
a controller and SBB shelf, such as the BA350–EA. Table 4–3 lists the power
available for each shelf type. Use this data to determine the number of OEM
devices that can be installed.
4–2 Power