Technical data

Removing Options from a Model 30 and 38
The purpose of this chapter is to provide upgrade information so
that a Digital service representative or knowledgeable Digital
customer can upgrade an existing VAXstation 3100 Model 30 or
38 workstation to a VAXstation 4000 Model 60 or 90 workstation.
Only a Digital service representative or qualified
self–maintenance customer should perform this
upgrade. You must have a working knowledge of and
experience working on the internal hardware devices
of a VAXstation 3100 system. If you are not qualified
to perform this upgrade, call your Digital service
representative to schedule an upgrade.
This chapter describes how to remove options from a Model
30 and Model 38 workstation. These two models are very
similar in structure. When there are differences in the upgrade
instructions they are called out with a Note specifying the
differences between the two models. This chapter contains the
following information:
Removing Fixed Disk Drives
Removing the Ethernet ROM
Removing Options from a Model 30 and 38 Workstation 2–1